The biggest question of our society is: What is NOT Art?
Of course, we have been asking ourselves for a very long time: "What is art?" without ever finding a universally valid answer. At some point, we came to realize that if we don’t know what art is, then art can be anything.
Lost in activities, performances, happenings, conceptualism, invisuality, dematerialization... the public is confronted with the reality that everything around them is now eligible for the label of ART.
The aim of this platform is to invite people to debate and question the forms of art as they are presented and conceived in and by our contemporary society.
Is it still possible for us today to peremptorily say, "This is not Art"?
Oh, it almost slipped my mind. Let me introduce myself:
I am constantly exploring artistic and literary experimentation, seeking new visions and perspectives while preparing a PhD on the same topic (because in the research world, "PhD, ergo sum"). I am a former professor and researcher in digital humanities, specializing in artificial intelligence applied to art and literature, and I have worked on the connection between art, literature, and politics. I am now the president of a contemporary art gallery based in Paris: https://www.galerie.chutaux.com/
I strive to support originality in these fields and contribute to the enrichment of the world of ideas by creating and promoting new forms of expression.